Daxs 2 Month Stats

Weight:13.2 84th percentile 
Height:24 inches 86th percentile
Head: 15.75
Hair: dark brown, starting to spike on its own
Eyes: greyish blue
Likes: Dax is a really good baby he likes to lay on his back and watch his mommy and daddy make funny faces at him. He does not like his car seat he likes to be free to move around.He is always kicking his legs and likes to be held so he is standing so he can look around and jump. 
Tricks: He is cooing and smiling more and more each day. 

Daxs first time in the ocean he was not that crazy about it. He just likes to chill in his bouncy chair in the shade and watch his mom and dad swim. These videos are pretty funny we are way more excited about it then him.


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